Tuesday, 16 September 2008

'Tis the Birthday of Sister Mine


It is indeed the birthday of my DS!  She is
cough cough cough splutter years old today!

 that little tongue - so cute!

I won't embarrass her with any more baby photos here, but you can always take a peek at the post I dedicated to her: K is for... 

She's not a totally well bunny at the mo, as she is suffering from costochondritis, which is a condition that causes chest pain and discomfort and is due to inflammation of the cartilage in the chest wall.  Not nice.  It also means she can't drink alcohol at the mo, due to taking large amounts of anti-inflams... poor thing.

Well, I'll have to have a drink for her instead!

Cheers, Toots and Happy Birthday again!


Mair Bloag Weejits

Footerin' Aboot

Footerin' Aboot
Heh! I'm so funny!

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